深圳美氏康寧膠業(MEISHI CORNING)是一家集研制,生產,銷售為一體的硅酮密封粘結產品制造商。公司成立于2000年,是一家正在蒸蒸日上,孜孜以求的企業。工廠擁有現代化的廠房,精良的設備,形成了強大的生產能力。能為客戶提供從高到低不同品質,各種類型的產品。幾年來,公司精心打造了一支優秀的研發隊伍,培養了一批熟練的技術工人,形成了一套完整的質量控制和生產管理體系。從原材料進廠到產品輸出均經過多層次嚴格檢驗,以保證所有產品均符合國家有關部門的相應標準。
Shenzhen Meishi Corning plastic industry (MEISHI CORNING) is a research, production and sales of silicone sealant adhesive manufacturers. Founded in 2000, A thriving business. The factory has a modern plant, Good equipment, Formed a strong production capacity. Able to provide different quality from high to low, all types of products for you. In recent years, the company carefully built an outstanding R & D team to develop a number of skilled workers to form a complete set of quality control and production management system. Products from raw materials to the outputs through multi-level rigorous testing to ensure that all products meet appropriate standards In line with national standards. |