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本廠擁有先進的生產設備和雄厚的技術力量,采用優質的原材料,以專業的技術和嚴格的管理,生產出新穎的產品,為滿足不同消費者的個性要求,我們對每一樣產品的設計都經過深思熟慮,對每一個細節都精雕細琢,力求每一件產品的設計都詮釋得更加巧妙絕倫。 維友家WEIYOUJIA品牌家具以不斷創新、開拓進取為宗旨,極力推薦完整理念和生產出精品家具與每一位合作伙伴共創明日輝煌。。。 WEIYOUJIA Furniture Factory located in Lecong town,Shunde,Guangdong province, ,specialise in manufacturing top cloth sofa. WEIYOUJIA owns advanced production equipment and tecnology,makes the fashionable products by adopting imported material,professional tecnology and strict management. In order to satisfy different requirements,we make every design after deep consideration,work every detail with special care,for the purpose of a... [詳細介紹] |