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廣州鐘歐電磁爐制造有限公司是一家集科研、設計、制造、銷售、安裝于一體的商用電磁爐、全套廚房設計與安裝的低碳、環保、減排解決方案的專家。公司擁有雄厚的行業技術力量、先進的生產設備、科學的管理體制。公司以高品質的產品、良好的服務樹立了 鐘歐 、高科技、低碳、環保、人性化的知名品牌。公司以市場需求為導向、以專業技術為基礎、以雄厚實力為保障。積極吸收國內外同行業的先進經驗、廣泛征求用戶意見,不斷吸納大批行業精英、潛心鉆研各地烹調、飲食習慣,悉心開發高科技商用電磁爐系列,產品首創爐具界的 最高低碳節能境界 ,贏得了廣大用戶的信賴和權威部門的青睞!產品暢銷全國各地并遠銷東南亞。
The company has market demands as its guidance, professional technologies as its basis, and relies on the strengths of the company. We learn best practices from companies in the same industry home and abroad; we listen to our customers; we attract large quantity of talents in the industry; we study the cooking and diet of various places; and we produce... [詳細介紹] |